
Come along and get involved...
KHS is a warm and welcoming society, meeting regularly at their shop, greenhouse, polytunnel at Park Road allotments.
Come along and see what is going on - maybe a bit of seed planting, potting on, or watering plants in the poly-tunnels. Feel free to simply join the group for a cup of tea or coffee, and biscuits (and more often than not cake too !).
Look for KHS in the potting shed and greenhouse area, or in the shop.
Wednesday Workers: Every Wednesday morning 10 - 12
Help with caring for the plants being grown for our seasonal sales, or just sit down for tea/coffee and a chat. No experience required - just an interest in plants and people !
Sunday Social: Every Sunday morning 10 - 12
Come along and help with KHS - plant propagation, plant care, maybe help out with the shop and plant sales, chat about upcoming events, and get to know other KHS and allotment holders. Listen for the tea bell at 11am !
Plant sales and annual show
The big events of our seasonal calendar are the spring plant sale, summer annual show, and the autumn sale / tea party. We are always happy to see new members get involved in these - there is plenty to do - from setting out the tables and plants, selling tomatoes and herbs, to making teas.
Social events and trips
Take a look at the events page for our full range of activities - many social events including horticultural or local interest talks, a Christmas party, maybe a summer bar-b-que, and ad hoc trips to good gardens.
See the calendar of events page for all our activities.