KHS Plant Sale 2022 is back! Sat 14th May 2 - 4:30pm
The team has grown hundreds of plants, and offer a great mix of veg, herbs, tomatoes, flowers. Grab some spring colour and flavour!

KHS Charity Event 2021
A social charity event - at the allotments in Park Road - raising funds for Macmillan, Barnfield, and Macular Society.

KHS Plant Show 2020
The sale went ahead despite Lockdown - with members able to order and collect in their time slot over a few days. It was good to see the...

Wheelbarrow full of flowers
KHS entered a fabulous display at the St Andrews flower festival in October. A wheelbarrow filled with flowers, and one of the scarecrows...

New for 2019 - KHS Have A Go Shows
For 2019 we are trying a Show on the Go - not one but THREE events where you can enter your vegetables, fruit, flowers, crafts for a...
KHS Outing to Amberley Museum and Denmans Gardens
Remember to book early, using the Booking Form (on events page). KHS “DAY OUT” Thursday 6th June - Amberley Museum and Denmans Gardens...
KHS Outing to Cliveden and Maidenhead - 9 April 2019
Remember to book early, using the Booking Form (on events page). KHS “DAY OUT” Tuesday 9th April - Cliveden (N.T) and Maidenhead The...

KHS Annual Show 2018
The Annual Show is coming soon. Saturday 21st July from 2.15 to 4.30pm . In the grounds of Forward House again - at the far end of Park...

KHS Outings
Remember to book early if you want to join a KHS outing. We have to book coach, tickets, guides a long way in advance and it is SO much...

KHS Spring Plant Sale 2018
The KHS Spring Plant Sale was a great success. Another record year of wonderful plants, mostly grown from seed by our Wednesday and...